Intelligent collection solutions.
A dedicated team.
100% Swiss Made.
Collecta briefly explained
Intelligent solutions are changing the world of work for the better. They automate processes, simplify workflows and support decision-making. These criteria have a positive long-term impact on business and form the basis of our solution approaches.
Our team lives debt collection every day. We test and use our applications ourselves and are in constant contact with customers. Users and programmers work hand in hand, with room for innovation and initiative. This leads to customer proximity and a high level of commitment from everyone involved.
Debt collection is country-specific and takes into account the respective jurisdiction of a country. We develop our solutions in Switzerland. Sensitive data is stored exclusively in Swiss data centers.
Justitia 4.0: Mit Collecta schneller und effizienter zum Pilotbetrieb
Mit der Plattform wird die Schweizer Justiz effizienter, transparenter und digital. Collecta J4 unterstützt die nahtlose Integration und optimale Nutzung der Plattform – für eine reibungslose Umstellung auf die Zukunft der Justiz.
615 from 1265 eSchKG members use Collecta.
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